Cold and Snowy in New York City |
When you get a chance for a free bedroom and free airplane ticket to visit New York City, you do not usually pass up the opportunity. Even when it is below freezing with cold winds and snow, a free trip to one of the world's best cities is too good to pass up. Especially when you get to stay with a great friend from college. I visited New York City last in 2016 during a summer heat wave, so it was only fitting to visit at the other end of the weather spectrum.
9/11 Memorial at New York Fire Museum |
After a long day of air travel with multiple delays and a long layover in Denver due to the weather, I finally arrived to my swank SoHo apartment around 2:00 AM. The city's second oldest bar was downstairs still serving happy patrons on an early Saturday morning, but I was ready to crash into the mattress instead of a bar stool. The next morning came late due to jet lag, but just around the corner was the New York Fire Museum. Since the weather changed from 55 to 25 degrees overnight, I piled on my winter clothes and headed down to the museum. It was somewhat small and jumbled, but the museum showcased the history of fighting fire in New York. Now I know that the term "company" referred to private companies that would fight fires, and the term "engine" referred to the original engine towed to a site to pump water. The memorial to the victims of 9/11 was emotional as always.
Central Park in Winter |
After bundling up, we headed to Harlem for a Caribbean seafood lunch and a tour of the Hamilton Grange National Memorial - the summer home of Alexander Hamilton. There is now a cottage industry in Hamilton tours based on the popularity of the musical. After a long night at a local comedy club watching open mic and joking with comedians until the early morning hours, we turned in for the night and awoke on Sunday to a super cold day with wind chills in the single digits. Just another day in New York!
Interior of the Frick Collection |
Sunday was very, very cold. Everyone in New York headed inside, specifically to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We attempted to enter, but were quickly overwhelmed by the crowd. I grabbed a hot dog from a street vendor and suggested we head down the street to the Frick Collection. That was a great idea! The Frick houses a large collection of art amassed by Frick himself. He turned coal into diamonds with a spectacular mansion housing exquisite art in an intimate setting. It is really like being in someone's house. Around the corner was a fancy French bakery which made a perfect snack before heading to Long Island for dinner with friends. Again, just another day in New York!
Lower East Side of Manhattan |
Tuesday, I was back in New York to play tourist. It was still very cold, so I started the day exploring all the areas I missed the last time. First up was the Lower East Side which was originally home to many immigrants, but has evolved into a hip and upscale area with lots of great food including several authentic delis. New York delis are a true culinary treasure, and Russ and Daughters is a great Kosher dairy deli with smoked fish, cream cheese, and amazing bagels. I snagged loin lox with scallion cream cheese on a toasted everything bagel. It was a delight to eat it on a park bench in the middle of the busy street!
Tenement Museum Backyard |
The Tenement Museum is a unique opportunity to visit some historic partially restored tenements on the Lower East Side. Tenements were the original apartments with a bedroom, kitchen, and living room in one unit with toilets and laundry in the backyard. These small units were actually decent living, although having a family with several kids in such a small area meant close quarters for all! The museum has tour guides providing a rich living history into the plight of immigrants in New York which mirrors the current debates around immigration and the American experience. It is said that history does not repeat itself, but it often rhymes!
New Jersey Devils at New York Islanders |
Tuesday night ended with delicious pizza and a hockey game. Local rivals from New Jersey and Long Island were playing at the new Barclay's Center. Tickets were almost as cheap as the expensive beer making for a relatively affordable night. We experienced a close first period, but the Devils were too hot for the Islanders. Fights were common on and off the ice that night with several in the stands near our seats. Fortunately, we escaped into the nearby subway to head back to Manhattan for a good night sleep.
NYPD Smart Car with Brooklyn Bridge |
Wednesday was my last day in the city, and it was the day it started snowing. I awoke to falling snow outside the window, although nothing was really sticking. It was fortunate that I brought my boots as the sidewalks were full of ice and slush making walking very slippery. The combination of cold and wet made being outside increasingly difficult, but made me feel for those who live on the streets full time. Wall Street was heavily guarded and echoed the cold and gray day, but I was still impressed by the architecture and history of the area. This part of Manhattan also has the City Hall with a popular walkway across the Brooklyn Bridge. Only the bravest cross during the snow!
Winter in Times Square |
After a wonderful lunch at my favorite Jewish deli, I headed to Times Square for a musical. Come From Away is a popular show about a small Canadian town that hosted thousands of stranded travelers when planes were diverted from the United States on 9/11. The combination of a global panic and a local crisis made for an interesting time and an enjoyable musical. I laughed and cried with the material and really enjoyed the experience. My cheap ticket had a slightly obstructed view, but saved me hundreds! Even during a cold winter day, Times Square was buzzing with tourists and locals enjoying the excitement.
Lower Manhattan on the Hudson River |
My final day was spent waking up too early and flying cross country with more delays and cold weather. The Newark Airport is just through the Holland Tunnel beneath our apartment, so the first leg was the easiest! That is the price you pay, but I should feel great that I can travel over 3,000 miles during the winter in just a few hours. My trip was busy and short as always, but I had a great time on my 3rd trip to our largest city. Please enjoy the rest of my pictures below.
Subway Entrance |
New York Fire Museum Interior |
Hamilton Grange National Memorial Interior |
Laudree Bakery Display Case |
Fancy Raspberry Pastry with Rose Petal |
Long Island Rail Road Interior |
Apartment Interior |
Holland Tunnel Entrance near Apartment |
Old Town New York along Greenwich Street |
Smoked Salmon Bagel Sandwich |
Front of Tenement Museum with Eight Units |
New Second Avenue Subway |
Spicy Pepperoni Pizza Slices |
Graveyard at Trinity Church in Wall Street |
Pastrami Sandwich with Potato Pancakes |
Grand Central Station Interior |
Come From Away Show Interior |
Famous Vertical Parking in Manhattan |